Reciprocity, and Positive and Negative Kindness
Reciprocity is treating others as they treat you. If someone says, “You are such a good person,” then reciprocity would be telling them back, “You are also a good person.” On the other hand, if someone slaps me, then and then I slap them back, that is also reciprocity.
are two types of kindness, positive and negative. Positive kindness is doing
something and not expecting anything (no reciprocity) in return. Donating to a charity, teaching
someone a skill for free, or lending a neighbor a tool, are examples of positive kindness. Negative kindness
is when someone hurts me, and I don’t reciprocate. If someone punches me, and I fall over, but I stand
up and walk away, rather than hitting them back, that is negative kindness,
because I have not reciprocated.
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