Barbie, Objectification, and the Internet
I saw the movie Barbie today. Some of the themes reminded me of a blog post that I’d been thinking about writing. I don’t want to spoil the plot or themes of the movie. It’s very good! Go see it! So I’ll just write the blog post I was thinking about, and then maybe expand on the idea of the relation to Barbie later. In the patriarchy, women are often objectified for their beauty. In modeling and acting, women are often implicitly objectified for men’s consumption. But also in the patriarchy, men are often objectified for their status, money, and power. I wrote in a previous post about the relationship between ideal forms and gender, and how people adopt these ideal forms as goals, certain beauty, power, or other expectations. Online, we often don’t see people’s humanity. We fail to see men and women as complex, complete human beings, instead we see them as sex objects, or money objects, or power objects. Maybe that’s partly out of necessity, because I don’t have the time to know ev...