Thanksgiving, Family, and the Federalist Paper No. 1
The first Federalist Paper warns, “A torrent of angry and malignment passions will be let loose. To judge from the conduct of the opposite parties, we shall be led to conclude that they will mutually hope to evince the justness of their opinions, and to increase the number of their converts by the loudness of their declamations and the bitterness of their invectives. An enlightened zeal for the energy and efficiency of government will be stigmatized as the offspring of a temper fond of power and hustle to the principes of liberty. An overscrupulous jealousy of danger to the rights of the people, which is more commonly the fault of the head than the heart, will be more pretence and artifice, the stale bait for popularity at the expense of public good. (Some text omitted.) The noble enthusiasm of liberty is too apt to be infected with a spirit of narrow and illiberal distrust.” (Image from Wikimedia.) Hamilton warns that...