
Showing posts from December, 2024

Best Books that I Read in 2024

Best Books that I Read in 2024               After reading parts of, “Why Nations Fail,” by Robinson and Acemgolu, and “The Politics of Place,” which is a description of Montesquieu’s writing by Baudoch, I have two concerns. “Why Nations Fail,” describes how extractive or exclusive political and economic systems slow innovation as current systems do not benefit from new technology, but the new technology could lead to more inclusive political or economic systems. “The Politics of Place,” describes that societies often promote security, liberty, and prosperity. After reading parts of these two books, societies must determine security, liberty, and prosperity, but for whom and when? Security, liberty, and prosperity immediately, but for people who are already safe, already well-educated, already free, and already prosperous? Books with parts that I enjoyed: Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu The Politics of Place...

Globalization, Protectionism, in Fight for Liberty

            I was reading Fight for Liberty, which is a collection of essays that attempts to defend democracy and human rights, sometimes from a neoliberal perspective. I briefly read an excerpt where one of the essays defends globalization. Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of trade across the historical borders of nations, and globalization contrasts with protectionism. Protectionism is the preservation of business interests by using barriers to slow trade across borders, sometimes with tariffs or other measures, that prevent the money or business interests of one country from being harmed by the money or business interests of another country. Globalization, as it is currently practiced, represents that the people with money or business interests in different countries do not have to protect their interests from each other, are not in competition with each other, and have more in common with each other than the p...

Writing about Federalist Paper #2

             I read the Federalist Paper #2, which was published on October 31 st , 1787, and written by John Jay.   The essay starts:             “Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights, in order to vest it with the requisite powers. It is well worthy of consideration therefore, whether it would conduce more to the interest of the people of America that they should, to all general purposes, be one nation, under one federal government, than that they should divide themselves into separate confederacies, and give to the head of each the same kind of powers which they are advised to place in one national government.”             Jay clearly states the necessity of governme...